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Access Keys

This website uses access keys to help navigate using your keyboard, please hold down your 'Alt' key (Windows) or 'Ctrl' Key (Apple Macintosh) and press the relevant key from the following list. If you are using an Internet Explorer browser, you will then need to press 'Enter'.

0 - access keys
1 - home
2 - sitemap
3 - contact
S - skip to content
N - skip to navigation

Depending on your browser type use one of the following:

With Windows-based systems, in general, press the "Alt" key and the relevant access key:

If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4 then press "Alt" and the relevant number/letter at the same time

If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5 or later then press "Alt" and the relevant number/letter, then press the "Enter" key

If you are using Netscape version 6 or later, or Mozilla, then press "Alt" and the relevant number/letter at the same time

If you are using Firefox, then press "Alt" and the relevant number/letter at the same time.

If you are using Firefox 2, then press "Alt", "Shift" and the relevant number/letter at the same time.




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