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Tell me about Guernsey Tomorrow

What will Guernsey look like a generation on?

That is the question that Chief Minister Deputy Lyndon Trott posed when Islanders were asked to get involved in a major consultation process that will help shape the future of Guernsey.

'Guernsey Tomorrow' - an unprecedented consultation process, aimed at gaining the views of the full spectrum of the community and particularly younger residents - was formally launched by the States on 20 September 2009.

Since then, Islanders from many of the island’s non-governmental organisations - and without States deputies - have met through a series of workshops, to discuss development pressures, opportunities and constraints facing the island now and over the next 20 years or so.

The Guernsey Tomorrow consultation workshops invited Islanders, and particularly the next generation of Islanders, to think about the way that the island is changing. Islanders were asked to identify the key issues, challenges and opportunities facing Guernsey currently, as well as their hopes and aspirations for Guernsey in the future.

The consultation is now complete and the Summary Report from the workshops was published in July 2010. The consultation report is available here.




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