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At the centre of 'Guernsey Tomorrow' was a two-stage consultation with Islanders, through a series of workshops and other events. Through our interactive workshops and drop-in sessions we discussed the many development pressures, impacts, opportunities and constraints facing our island and future generations.

A series of group activities were used to help us to identify the key issues and the level of importance that needs to be given to addressing each of them. Delegates were invited to express their own personal opinions and views rather than confine their comments to the special interests of the group they were representing.

About 600 people from a very wide ranging cross section of the general public participated.

The results from the first round of workshops and drop-in sessions were fed back into the second stage consultations. In the second round, we discussed the many development pressures, impacts, opportunities and constraints facing our island and future generations. This in turn informed a Green Paper for consideration by the States.

You can see the results from the workshops and drop-in sessions by selecting from the list of events on the left hand side of this page.




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